According to my DNA test results, one percent of my genetic make up is from modern-day East Africa, along the border of Tanzania and Kenya, but East Africa is one hundred percent of my heart.

I feel most at home when I am in the Serengeti, when I am in the presence of the majestic wildlife in this part of the world.

It is for this reason I focus my work on the wildlife of East Africa. It is my passion.

I endeavor always, to highlight the exquisiteness of East Africa’s wildlife, inviting viewers to explore the unexpected, contribute to the global community, and commit to responsible stewardship of the earth.

I donate all of the proceeds from the sales of my work to wildlife conservation and humanitarian organizations. I am always interested in finding and partnering with new organizations.

I strive to create images that are best viewed in a large print display format. I feel this provides the most impact for each image. All images are limited edition and only seven prints of each image in a current collection is available for purchase. My pricing reflects the quality and exclusivity of images and after production costs, every penny is donated to wildlife conservation and humanitarian organizations, projects, and efforts in the country of origin of the image. While I may offer the image in more than one size or display format, once that image is sold out, all sizes or formats will no longer be available. That said, I reserve the right to reproduce and include all images in a coffee table book or to be offered for editorial or advertising publication licensing.

All images are available for editorial or advertising licensing. Please contact me to discuss usage details.

All images are taken by me, camera in hand, and are subject to all copyright laws. All rights reserved.